Welcome to Our Department

A warm welcome to the official website of the Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe. This website provides you with valuable information  on research-based technologies, technical information for advisory services and products for supporting enhanced agricultural productivity and the production of various crops and livestock (with the exception of tobacco, tea, sugarcane, pigs and forestry).Below are our core business functions

Trade Regulatory Support


Trade Regulatory Compliance Support Services and Related Research.

Transformational Technologies

Transfomational Technologies

Provision of  research-based technologies, technical information for advisory services and products for supporting enhanced agricultural productivity.


Crop Productivity

Soil Fertility

Research to support Crop Productivity and Production enhancement and related Specialist Services

Livestock Productivity

Livestock Productivity

Research to support livestock productivity,feed resource improvement and related specialist services

About Us.

In carrying out its mandate, the national seed certifying authority (Seed Services) is guided by the Seeds Act (Chapter 19:13) and its enabling Regulations, and the Seeds (Certification) Scheme Notice 2000. It also administers the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act (Chapter 18:16). The Authority also grants plant breeders’ rights, registers new varieties, provides inspections for certification of seed, samples and seals seed lots, tests seed samples for purity and germination and issues seed sellers’ licenses to facilitate seed trade.

Variety Release and Recognition

New plant varieties that meet requirements of value for cultivation and use (VCU); and pass the distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) tests, are released and listed in the Second Schedule of the Seeds Certification Scheme. Registered seed companies produce certified seed for the market.