When fractional distillation is done to alcohol produced, the condensed liquid formed is bio diesel. Seven tons of sweet potato produce 1 ton of bio diesel compared to jatropha which produces 1 ton bio diesel form 10 ton.
Vegetable seed
Current efforts are aimed at germplasm collection, multiplication, characterization and conservation of the following vegetables:
The idea is to reclaim our identity through promotion of collection, multiplication, production, utilization / consumption of indigenous vegetables renowned for their richness in Vitamin A and
C which are important in combating non-communicable diseases such as heart attack, high blood pressure and cancer just to list a few.
Okra Trial at HRC Nyevhe seed production at HRC
Guidelines for Vegetable seed production
The following guidelines are used when multiplying seed of open pollinated vegetables.
10. The dry seed should be packed into air tight containers which should be as full as possible because of the air space in the container is large the ambient relative humidity will be high and the shelf life of the seed will be reduced.
Root & Tuber Program
Crops covered are mainly sweet potato (root) and Irish potato (tuber)Their work is mainly focused on coming up with effective and efficient ways of raising the 2 strategic crops. Evaluation of effects of delaying planting of sweet potato vines in part of the work. Preliminary results indicate the possibility of delaying planting by more than 7 days without pronounced yield reduction. However, water loss due evapotranspiration should be minimized. Delaying planting of sweet potato vines is an inevitable happening due to funerals, rain, lack of transport, other commitments hence their scientific enquiries are regarded as critical.
In addition, the Institute is working on generating local information on the rationale behind different planting methods observed by sweet potato farmers. Some farmers’ practice horizontal planting, some vertical planting, yet some farmers observe ring method. In its preliminary findings horizontal planting out yielded the vertical and the ring method, though the later was second in tuber yield.
After observing a variety of approaches in potato growing the Institute resolved to have a scientific enquiry. A number of farmers drill fertilizer in furrows before planting sprouted tubers spaced at 30 cm within row and 90 cm between tubers spaced at 30 cm, while the other group of farmers heap the fertilizer – cover it with a little amount of soil and place the tuber right on top of the covered fertilizer. The results for this work are still pending.
The Institute is also evaluating urea as a possible source of Nitrogen. This work was initiated after receiving complaints from a number of farmers that Urea was not as effective as Ammonium Nitrate when used as a top dressing.
Having realized possibility of volatilization losses effects of placing urea at different depths were investigated; and preliminary results favour deeper placement of Urea. A depth of 5 cm as associated with increased number of bigger tubers than shallower placements. No significant differences were noted between deeper placement of urea and Ammonium Nitrate when the soil was moist a t the time of application.
Another area of controversy which is being investigated is on the efficacy of Giberrellic Acid GA 3 when applied at 16ml/100l water in forcing potatoes to sprout. Some farmers were alleging that they were getting poor results. However, doubling the rate did not show any significant difference in sprouting Irish potatoes. Farmers are encouraged to follow instructions in the use of horticultural chemicals – short cuts result in unfounded allegations.