The intention of the Floriculture Section is to present growers, researchers and readers with accumulated results of practical experience, trials, observations and thoughts and; “put the joy of growing flowers (field, potted and greenhouse grown) within the reach of many more people growers”.
Our main thrust is aimed primarily at beginners/small scale farmers and those who are not achieving success in propagating, growing and marketing all types of flowers. Farmers in flower production should benefit from our advice and from a similar analysis of their individual properties, plant selection, and propagation and production techniques.
On-going research
A study into the effects of inorganic fertilizers; water management and post-harvest handling in proteaceous(Leucospermum spp.)
The effects of bending cultural technique on growth characteristics and yield of roses(Rosa hybrid L.)
The Floriculture Nursery
Aims to fulfill the following:
- High seed quality and cost saving for the producer
- Long shelf life for the plant material
- Excellent garden performance
Characteristics of the 3 rootstocks available at HRC
Brook 48 |
Rosa multiflora |
Rosa Indica |
Thornless |
Thorny |
Thornless |
Easy to root |
Easy to root |
Easy to root |
Vigorous grower |
Not vigorous growers |
Vigorous grower |
Bark could be easily slipped for budding |
Bark could not be easily slipped for budding |
Bark easily slipped for budding |
Used in Zimbabwe and S. Africa mainly |
Used widely in Zimbabwe |
Widely used in Israel |
Variant ofRosa multiflora |
Deep root system |
Tolerant to high pH and alkaline soil |
Remember that beauty has a healing effect; as a result our clients are encouraged to have indoor flowers to enhance their environments.
ii) Potted flowers
- African violets
African violets/ Saintpaulias grow from 6–15 cm tall and can be anywhere from 6–30 cm wide. Theleavesare rounded to oval, 2.5–8.5 cm long with a 2–10 cm petiole, finely hairy, and with a fleshy texture. Theflowersare 2–3 cm diameter, with a five-lobed velvety corolla ("petals"), and grow in clusters of 3–10 or more on slender stalks (peduncles). Flower colour in the wild species can be violet, purple, pale blue, or white.
Saintpaulias are widely cultivated ashouse plants. Until recently, only a few of these species have been used in breeding programs for the hybrids available in the market; most available as house plants arecultivarsderived fromSaintpaulia ionantha(syn.S. kewensis). A wider range of species is now being looked at as sources of genes to introduce into modern cultivars.
- Aloe vera
Cultivar available at HRI Knightlife Pink
A particularly large genuswith at least 300 species and a myriad of varieties. The Begonias are succulent which in some cases have developed tuberous root system. Their striking leaf shapes and colours endeared them to gardeners everywhere.
- Blue flowers (Available at HRI)
- Calathea-Marantaceae
Common names: Bambranda, Zebra plant, peacock plant (Available at HRI)
Scientific name:Calathea makoyana
A spectacularly beautiful plant grown solely for its leaf colourings as ground cover in the semi-tropics, indoors elsewhere. There are over 100 species each worth knowing.
Calathea makoyanahas iridescent leaves patterned in cream and olive coloured ovals, with the reverse in matching patterns of manve, pink and grey. Calatheas need a warm moist atmosphere and repotting every summer. Its a perennial which grows up to 2 fit.
Common names Cabbage tree, Palm lily, Grass palm (Available at HRI)
Scientific nameCordyline australis
A tropical plant grown principally for its leaf interest. It is a taller palm-like shrub (20 ft) with sharp leaves in starburst form. The sweetly-scented spikes of tiny white flowers appear in late spring.
C. terminalis (Ti) does bear sprays of small greenish white flowers in summer. Leaves comes in every imaginable combination of green, white, red and purple- the darker colours being the most highly valued.
To raise plants colour-true, they are propagated from sections of stalk lain in a damp mixture of sand and peatmoss/pinebark.
- Common Vetch (Available at HRI)
- Ferns (Available at HRI)
- Petunia- solanaceae
The hotter the summer, the better the petunias produce. Open cheerful flowers, they do best in good soil and like lime. Planted from early summer to early summer, they should be pinched back regularly to ensure branching, and fertilized monthly till the hot whether begins.
Then all they need is water and watch them go.
Japanese hybrids: Grandiflora and Multiflora are available at HRI
Colours: ‘White, Purple, Violet, Cherry pie and variegated types
- Philodendrons-Araceae (Available at HRI)
Growing Conditions
Need rich, loose soil with good drainage and prefer broken sun.
Water and fertilize regulary for good leaf colour and hose down to keep them glossy.
- a)Philodendron oxycardiumis the most popular twining type with heart shaped leaves (Vine 30 fttropical). It grows all year round
- b)P.solloumis the darkiest of the shrubby type, its leaves may be 3 ft long. It is a shrubby vine which grows upto 6 fit or more. It is subtropical in origin and grows all year round.
- c)P.pertusum- popular for indoor effect. It is actually a juvenile leaf of Monstera/Cheese plant (Split leaf philodendron) vine. Grows all year round.
- Perlargoniums-Garaniaceae (Available at HRI)
Common name: Zonal geranium(Common Geranium)
Scientific name:Pelargonium zonale
This is a perennial (6-30inch) which grows all year round. Wonderfully varied shrubby prerenials for gardens everywhere. Includes all the fancy coloured-leaf varieties and most of them grown in pots. Does well in soil which is not too rich and moist. They like going acid, sandy and quick draining with minimal attention. Irrestible to cartepillars of every sort and should be sprayed with insecticide regularly.
- Poinsettia- Euphobiaceae
Common name: Ponsettia (Available at HRI)
Scientific names:Euphobia pulcherrima
Of all the Euphobias, poinsettia is the showiest( Shrub 10ft). The family has more than 1,000 annuals, perennial shrubs and succulents- many with little or no resemblance to one another, and coming from all the four corners of the world.
All Euphobias have the following in common:
- An unpleasant milky sap usually poisonous
- Spectacular flower-like arrangement which are not flowers at all, but a series of highly-coloured bracts or modified leaves surrounding a group of tiny simple flowers, some male, some female.
- Silver bush
The Horticultural Research Institute believes in Public – Private Partnership(s):
Possible areas of collaboration:
- Biotechnology – in the areas of tissue culture
- Value Addition – Post harvest Processing
- Protected Agriculture
- Organic Agriculture Initiatives
- Farmer Training
- Information generation and dissemination
Production Manuals on the following crops are available at HRC
10) Mushroom
11) Nyevhe
12) Okra
13) Onion
14) Potato
15) Strawberry
16) Sweet Potato
17) Tomato
18) Tsunga
Advisory All the time
Planting Material
Sweet potato vines Dec-March
Apple trees Aug-Dec
Peach trees Aug-Dec
Apricot trees Aug-Dec
Grapes vines Aug-Dec
Guava trees Aug-Dec
Fig trees Aug-Dec
Vegetable Seeds
Tsunga, Chembere All the time
- Cream skin and flesh
- Has long, starchy tubers which store well
- Early maturing – takes 3 – 4 months
- Yields up to 25 t/ha
- Very popular at Mbare vegetable market
Germany Two
- Widely grown variety in Zimbabwe
- Red skinned and white fleshed
- Starchy and sweet long tubers
- Early maturing – takes 3 – 4 months
- Yields up to 30 t/ha
- Tubers store well
- Very popular at Gweru, Bulawayo vegetable markets
Mozambique White
- Red skinned and white fleshed
- Average sized tubers that are smooth skinned
- Long season variety – takes 6 months to mature
- Yields up to 35 t/ha
- Lucrative markets such as supermarkets favour this variety
- Light red skin and cream flesh
- Cylindrical big tubers which are easy to lift
- Commonly used for processing into chip and flour
- Yields between 31 – 35 t/ha
- Bronze coloured skin and orange fleshed
- Chunky tubers which are rich in carotene
- Yields up to 30 t/ha
- Khaki skin and light cream flesh
- Takes 4 – 5 months to mature
- Yields up to 50 t/ha
- Pale skin and cream flesh
- Produces long thick tubers
- Yields up to 30 t/ha
- Dirty skin and cream flesh
- Large tubers
- Takes 4 months to mature
- Yields 20 to 30 t/ha
Sweet potato Nursery production
- Perennial root crop although commercial grown as an annual
- Propagated vegetatively by means of cuttings
- Sprouting of auxiliary buds and root development at the base of the cutting
Sweet potato vine harvesting for sale at HRC (Variety; Chingovha)
1.Grapes(Table, Wine and Raisin)
Varieties - (Black) – Stueben, Pirobella, Suffolk red, Giant Isabella, Malawi Giant
(White) – Himrod, Seneca, Thompsom seedless; Steen; Jacaranda;
*Steen is a wine grape
*Jacaranda is a rasin grape
2. Plums
Varieties - Red beauty; Latitia; Saphari sunset; Rosearli; Shiro; Reubennel; Eldorado; Harry Pickstone; Songold
Varieties - Perma mint; Early sunlight, Unico; Margarate sprite
4. Peach
Varieties - Snow crest, Snow white; Early grande; Earlibelle; Summer sun; Van dyke; Moreira, Oom sarel, Professor Black, Classic, Rhodes
- Apricots
Variety - Pulstone
- Fig variety– Large white
- Apple
Varieties: High Chill; Golden Delicious, Top lady, Drakenstein, Mollies Delicious.
Low Chill; Annah, Ellah, Maayan,Michael
Rootstocks available at HRI
- Quince – for Pears
- MM106 _ apples
- Mariana – Plum and Peach
- Kakamas - Peach
Strawberry varieties available are as follows:
- Rolinda – high yielding with soft small berries, mite resistance
- Rovelle – very firm among the hardest, good flavor
- Selekta – firm, large conical berries, vigorous plants that produce large runners, good yielder in winter where severe frosts do not occur, and can be grown in tunnels. It colours evenly in summer.
- Tioga – early cropper with large berries that are firm throughout the season, uniform ripening, mite resistance
- Rolissa – fairly high yielding with small berries, good flavor
Training courses which can be offered by the Horticultural Research Institute
- Nursery management
- Budget formulation
- Systems thinking/ systems approach
- Project management
- Soil and leaf sampling
- Interpretation of results of soil and leaf sampling
- Conservation agriculture
- Open field tomato production
- Greenhouse tomato production
- Leaf vegetable production (cabbage, rape, cauliflower, broccoli, sugar loaf, tsunga, chemberedzagumana)
- Carrot production
- Onion production
- Sweet potato vine and root production
- Potato production
- Fruit tree production inclusive of grafting and pruning techniques
- Seed potato production
- Post- harvest techniques for a range of horticultural crops
- Result-Based Management Courses
How are the training courses offered?
Farmers can directly get in touch with us through contacts provided.
Farmers can also reach us through their AGRITEX Officers indicating training needs and most appropriate dates and venues.
We prefer farmer field school approach, though on-station trainings are possible.
What is the cost of training?
We are very flexible, but we operate at cost recovery.
We also encourage farmers to form effective groups, and this does not only lower the cost but enables us to transform the community and also sharing experiences, fears and expectations.Non-Government organizations can also engage us to train their clients.
An ecogeographic survey is the process of obtaining, collating and analyzing different kinds of existing data pertaining to a specific group of crop species within a defined geographic region. Such a study is essential in that it provides information on the current status of crop genetic resources in the country and hence also is the first step in the development of an effective conservation strategy. The Ecogeographic survey gives indication on the crops to be prioritized for collection and when to collect the crop. This programme involves mapping and use of GIS information systems
Regeneration is the process of generating fresh new seed from conserved crop seed. This is usually done when conserved seed loses viability. If the germination percentage of the stored seed falls below 80% then the seed is planted out in order to obtain new seed with a prolonged life span. Regeneration is carried out in most cases in other research centres across the country particularly in Natural regions with environmental conditions well suited to the specific crop to be regenerated.
Characterization is the physical assessment and recording of the basic botanical and morphological characteristics of plant species that are easily seen and measured. Morphological characters (includes plant height, grain colour, grain size, leaf shape,etc)are recorded with the aim to establish differences or similarities in phenotypic identity of each accessions. Characterization information is important to Genebank for it facilitates the development of core collections by identification and removal of unnecessary duplication of material hence conserves what is necessary. The characterization information adds value to accessions stored in the Genebank, and also provides a basis for decision making in crop breeding or crop development program hence must be carried out on every accession in the Genebank. Characterization is usually included during regeneration.
The Biotechnology program involves two major activities which are:
Biotechnology Research
Biotechnology program involves the conservation and research on genetic resources through the use of technologies used in biotechnology such astissue culture,Invitroconservation,cryopreservation,DNA marker techniques(for use in molecular characterization),embryo rescue, andpollen culture.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) testing
Zimbabwe is a GMO free country and for all plant genetic resources being exported or imported into the country, GRBI is responsible for verifying the GM status of the materials, being exported through GM certification and GM testing for materials being imported into the country.
Focal Point for the International Treaty On Plant Genetic Resources For Food And Agriculture
Zimbabwe is a signatory to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA).The Government of Zimbabwe signed the ITPGRFA on 30 October 2002 and subsequently ratified it on 5 July 2005. Therefore for Zimbabwe to fully realize and capitalize on the privileges and opportunities brought about by the ITPGRFA, Zimbabwe is has to domesticate this Treaty. Domestication means that Zimbabwe has incorporate the ITPGRFA into national laws and legislation. The GRBI is the national focal point for all policy issues related to plant genetic resources and the domestication of the ITPGRFA. The GRBI is currently working on developing the National Agro biodiversity Act, which is aimed at the management and conservation agro biodiversity in Zimbabwe.
Advice is offered to both farmers and interested clients in all aspects of seed production, processing and marketing.
For information contact:
The Head, Seed Services Institute
Fifth Street Extension, P. O. Box CY 550, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: 04-704531-9; Telefax: 04-791223; E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Research and Specialist Services
Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development
Head of Institute: V.Chingwara
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Land line phone number: 0279-24122
Phone number: 0774118281
Research Officers:
Research Technicians: Mr P Mirisawu (HRC)
Mr I. Maere (HRC)0773637583
Mr W. Mutasa (NES)
Mr J Ndlovu
Research Assistants:
Mrs R. Mufandaedza (HRC)0773157174
Ms C Nyaruwata (HRC)0772832753
Mr Simende (NES)
Administration: Mr A Tichareva (HRC, Accounting Assistant)0773826012
Mrs M. Kurwakumire (Executive Assistant, HRC)0775748280
Mr J Musigudo (HRC, Human Resources Assistant)0773916370