1. Journal Papers
Masocha. M, A. K. Skidmore., X. Poshiwa and H.H.T. Prins. 2011 Frequent burning promotes invasions of alien plants into a mesic African savanna. Biological Invasions: Volume 13 Issue 7 1641-1648.
Murungweni. C, Andersson, J.A., van Wijk, M.T., and Giller, K.E, 2011, Zhombwe (Neorautaneia amboensis Schinz)- A recent Discovery for Mitigatating Ecttects of Drought on Livestock in Semi-arid Areas of Southern Africa. Journal of Ethnobotany, Research and Application.
Murungweni. C, van Wijk, M.T., Andersson, J.A., Smaling, E.M.A., and Giller, K.E, 2011, Zhombwe (Neorautaneia amboensis Schinz)- Linking adaptative livelihood strategies to sustainable household food self- sufficiency in semi arid rural Africa. Food Security on Livestock in Semi-arid Areas of Southern Africa. Journal of Ethnobotany, Research and Application.
Odee, D W. Lesueur, X. Poshiwa, D. Walters, J. Wilson. 2008 Management of symbionts in Calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus Meisn., leguminasae) based agroforestry systems to improve growth, productivity, quality of fodder and biological N2 fixation. In: Biological nitrogen fixation: Towards poverty alleviation through sustainable agriculture (Edited by Dakora, Felix.D., Chimphango, Samson. B.M., Valentine, Alex. J., Elmerich, Claudine., Newton, William. E.)
Mapiye, C, Mupangwa, J.F, P.H. Mugabe, P.H, Chikumba, N,; Poshiwa, X, and Foti, R . 2007. Constraints to adoption of forage and browse legumes by smallholder dairy farmers in Zimbabwe. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems .
Matingo, R., Kumbula, D.T, Tigere, A., Mhonde, C . 2007. Evaluation of the efficacy of Ecotraz 250 (25% Amitraz m/v) in a plunge tank to control ticks on cattle in Zimbabwe. Coopers Pvt
Poshiwa, X., Nyoka, R., Chikumba. N., Gatsi. T and Chakoma. I. 2006 A baseline socio-economic evaluation of an European Union funded project on use of Micro-symbionts in Agroforestry systems in Zimbabwe. Journal of sustainable development in Africa Volume 8 number 1(2006).
Mapiye, C, Mupangwa, J.F, P.H. Mugabe, P.H, Chikumba, N,; Poshiwa, X, and Foti, R . 2006. A review of forage legume research for rangeland improvement in Zimbabwe. Tropical and Subtropical Agro ecosystems Voume 6 : 125-131
Mapiye, C, Mupangwa, J.F, P.H. Mugabe, P.H, Chikumba, N,; Poshiwa, X, and Foti, R . 2006. A review of forage legume research for rangeland improvement in Zimbabwe. Tropical Grasslands (2006) Volume 40, 145 –149
Chikumba, N, C. Mapiye and X. Poshiwa. 2006 Breaking Seed coat dormancy in Macrotyloma daltonii. The rangeland journal 28: 179-182.
Mapiye C, Foti R, Chikumba N, Poshiwa X, Mwale M, Chivuraise C, and Mupangwa J.F. 2006 Constraints to adoption of forage and browse legumes by smallholder dairy farmers in Zimbabwe. Livestock Research for Rural Development 18:12
Poshiwa, X.; and Nyoka,R. 2005. Effect Of Vesicular- Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, Rhizobium And Rock Phosphate Fertilization On Growth, Productivity And Nutritional Quality Of Calliandra Calothyrsus Cv. San Ramόn In A Sandy Highveld Area Of Zimbabwe
Tigere, A., Chakoma, C, and Magwenzi, M. 2004.The use of cereal-legume silages and urea-treated maize stover as dry season supplements for cattle grazing natural pastures in Wedza and Buhera Districts of Zimbabwe. Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe Proceedings.
Murungweni, C.; Mabuku, O. and Manyawu, G.J. 2004. Mucuna, lablab and paprika calyx as substitutes for commercial protein sources used in dairy and pen fattening diets by smallholder farmers of Zimbabwe. In: Tropical legumes for sustainable farming systems in Southern Africa and Australia. ACIAR proceedings No 115, Canberra, Australia
Poshiwa, X., Ngongoni, N.T., Manyuchi, B., Chakoma,C., Tigere, A. 2004 The effect of plane of nutrition on purine derivatives excretion in sheep and goats.Estimation of Microbial Protein Supply in Ruminants Using Urinary Purine Derivatives. Kluwer Publishers .pp 140-148.
Mugabe, P., Majee, D., Poshiwa X., Chigariro, B., Ndlovu, B., Washayanyika, F., and Mukombe, N., 2004 Evaluation of Herbaceous forage legumes introduced into communally managed rangelands in Zimbabwe. Tropical Legumes for Sustainable Farming Systems in Southern Africa and Australia. ACIAR proceedings Number 115 , pp 51-57.
Murungweni, C. and Mabuku, O. 2002 Tropical forage and ley legume technology. Animal production. Tropical forage and ley legume technology for sustainable grazing and cropping systems in southern Africa. Aciar project no as2/96/149, Page 58 – 61
Mabuku, O.; Makodza, B.; Nyama, C., Chigariro B. 2001 Tropical forage and ley legume technonogy. Feeding lablab hay to dairy in Zana and to beef fattening in Dendenyore communal area. Tropical forage and ley legume technology for sustainable grazing and cropping systems in southern Africa. Aciar project no as2/96/149, Page 58 - 61
Mabuku, O.; Makodza, B.; and Chigariro, B. 2000. Use of forage legumes legumes in ley pastures for developing cheap alternative sources of feeds for dairy and beef cattle. Aciar proceedings Tropical forage and ley legume technology for sustainable grazing and cropping systems in Southern Africa.